#23.11 [english] Proposed Legislation – U.S. retaliation against (German?) extraterritorial taxation

#23.11 [english] Proposed Legislation – U.S. retaliation against (German?) extraterritorial taxation

| In this TAXpod episode, we discuss upcoming U.S. legislation under the “Defending American Jobs and Investment Act” and the proposed section 899. Our special guest is Loren Ponds, partner with Miller & Chevalier in Washington D.C., who is guiding us through the announced changes. The proposed sec. 899 introduces increased tax rates (up to 20%) on companies with business in the U.S. which are headquartered in countries that impose extraterritorial or discriminatory taxes, and is meant to be a retaliatory measure against such countries. With the proposed rule, the U.S.A. target some country’s “Undertaxed Profits Rules”, “Digital Services Taxes” and – this being the reason for addressing this issue in a German podcast –   presumably Sec. 49 of the German Income Tax Act. As a result, the application of Sec. 49 could have a much wider impact – even on taxpayers who have nothing to do with Sec. 49 – than was generally expected in Germany. It should not be underestimated that the USA is not only a defensible democracy, but also a defensible tax juristdiction that will prevent extraterritorial taxation, if necessary without shying away from confrontation… Enjoy listening!